New National Coordinator in USA
Recently, a new Coordinator was elected in the United States of America / To find out more, click on the Picture ...
(Spiritual Diary - May 19, 1963)
Recently, a new Coordinator was elected in the United States of America / To find out more, click on the Picture ...
A French translation of the Flamme d'Amour theme song was produced in 2001. In 2010, Rosanna Riverso translated an English version for us / To hear it, click on the Picture ...
The Story of the Flame of Love in Philadelphia and the US one filled with miracles, and more than anything the Heart of our Mother for us, Her children, who pours out Her Flame of Love which is Jesus Himself on a broken world! Please, enjoy videos and share our story, His Glory! / To see more, click on Picture
Here's a beautiful religious song suggested by Mary from Pennsylvania, USA. / Click on the picture to see more ...
The flock needs to unite and call out to bring back the lost sheep’s. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing from many sources trying to lure the innocent and vulnerable! / To see more, click on picture ...