Adeline Quek / Flame of Love Novena
Flame of Love Novena in Singapore
Flame of Love Statue 19"
delivered in 2022
from Singapore
"For the overall estimated Update of FOL Statues , delivered in 2022: The Statues has been mainly delivered to these APAC countries for the purpose of the Home Visitation of Our Blessed Lady of Thy Flame of Love. We have also included our visitation booklet as a guide for the 9-day novena we recommend during our Mother Mary's Visitation". Adeline
Adeline Quek from Singapore, received from Canada over 50 Flame of Love Statues 19".
She start to donwload the file of Flame of Love Novena from the Canadian website. Then, she start to visit christian friends in Singapore with statues 19" and then, they keep the statue 9 days for Novena. After, it was for another home to receive our Mother for 9 days. Isn't it wonderful?
Yes, this is incredible!
In this list, you will see where the tatues where sent.
3 Statues to Philippines
1 to Dubai (Tisha visited Singapore)
2 to Kuala Lumpur (Shirley Benedict- 2nd one on the way)
3 to India (Fr John Britto - one with his local Bishop in Church at Chennai, one for a Sister Superior for a Catholic religious group )
2 to Perth, Australia (7 new orders for Perth, Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney - Jacinta)
1 to Melbourne
9 to Indonesia (5 not delivered yet - Magda)
1 to Sarawak, Malaysia (Elizabeth Chin)
1 for Poland (on the way , met Agnes Hanczakowska in my recent trip, introduced by Sister Ildiko)
1 for Hungary (Sister Ildiko)
1 for Japan (not delivered yet)
25 for Singapore (1 with Fr Paul Ngo, 4 for Visitation and the balance are ordered for Families who wish to have Our Mother of FOL in their homes)
"Mother Mary with all the Angels & Saints are really working hard to help all of us spread Thy Flame of Love all over the World !"
APAC Country
Some of the prime countries included in the APAC list are Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. APAC is an important location on the world map due to its historic, cultural, and natural diversity.
English Novena Booklet
If you wish to follow the wonderful idea of Adeline in Singapore. And for those who wish to start a Novena of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in their house. Or, to share with their family and friends.
We offer to donwload this PDF file which will be very useful for you.
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