Nomination of Coordinator
Province of Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova scotia
Appointment of a Provincial Coordinator
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Heidi Krol as Provincial Coordinator for Ontario, effective January 3, 2021.
Heidi and her husband Michael own an organic farm in the center of the province. Heidi was the first to be appointed as a Provincial Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement in the country. It is a beautiful grace that the Holy Spirit gives us, it will help us greatly to regroup the 238 members of this province who are largely English speaking. We had already experienced a conference in Cornwall which had been organized by Heidi. We have been waiting for such a grace for a long time.
Thank you very much to Heidi for giving her "yes" to our Heavenly Mother!
Appointment of a Provincial Coordinator
Prince Edward IslandWe are pleased to announce the appointment of Lori Curie as Provincial Coordinator for Prince Edward Island, effective January 2, 2021.
In truth, we didn't think that Lori would take on the role and it was quite a surprise when she gave her "yes", following Heidi Krol’s first nomination for Ontario. This appointment will go a long way to help the Movement make a breakthrough in this province of the Maritimes, which has 28 members to date. Pray that more people will be touched by this Flame of Mary's Heart and that their number will increase this year. Lori has already started going to different places in order to make the Flame of Love known to the people of her province. Let us pray that her efforts will be crowned with success.
Appointment of a Provincial Coordinator
New BrunswickThis appointment is the third of a Provincial Coordinator in Canada. Leona Belliveau has accepted to be the coordinator for the province of New Brunswick. This province has 58 members who are mostly French speaking. It is a beautiful grace that the Virgin Mary grants us especially that Leona is bilingual. The Holy Spirit is at work and is operating faster than usual. Three new coordinators in such a short time is quite special. Having a person in charge on site greatly helps the Movement to spread to both Anglophones and Francophones in the province. Many thanks to Leona for taking on this important role!
Appointment of a Provincial Coordinator
Nova Scotia
It is with joy that I appoint today Helen Gray as the Provincial Coordinator of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement for the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia.
Helen is a woman who has a sense of organization and who has already started working for the Flame of Love. We are happy to welcome him and help him move the Movement forward in this Maritime province.
Appointment of a Diocesan Coordinator
Halifax, New Brunswick
It is with joy that I appoint today Rhonda-Lynn Clarke as the Diocesan Coordinator of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement for the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia. This is the first time that we have a diocesan coordinator appointed. Rhonda will be a great help for Helen in this province. Our prayers are with you.
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