The Flame of Love in Lome in 2022
Satan's blindness increases in Togo
Maria Goretti de Bè-Kpota
Celebrates 16 years of existence
From August 26, 2006 to August 26, 2022
It is an extraordinary celebration for the Flame of Love Movement in Lomé in the Maria Goretti parish of Bè-Kpota. These sixteen years of existence in the Parish of Maria Goretti are good news for Africa.
Program of activities marking the 16th anniversary of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Bè-Kpota:
From Friday 26 to Sunday 28 August 2022
Mass Triduum
Friday August 26
6:30-7:45 p.m.: Urgent exhortation, restorative for families.
Sat August 27
6:30-7:45 p.m.: A sharing on the Spirituality of the Flame of Love took place.
Sun August 28
A Thanksgiving Mass in honor of the Flame of Love was celebrated.
They who will read these lines must be prepared to do the same thing and give a favorable response to our Mother, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of the Flame of Love. The parish has done a lot by making a statue of the Flame of Love. It's a wonder to see people banding together for Satan's blindness.
This is of paramount importance here to save as many souls as possible. Undertake days of adoration while praying the Rosary of the Flame of Love without forgetting the prayer of Unity to do everything with Christ Jesus. Praying to the Eternal Father with Him is all included in this prayer of Unity.
Repeat the prayer of Unity between each decade of the Flame of Love rosary.
We are launching this great request to all of Africa. The whole country must wake up and stand next to Our Mother Mary of the Flame of Love. We have entered the Age of Satan's blindness.
Sorry, we will put the name of the priest when we have the information.
Forward the Link of this site to all your contacts so that the reign of God on earth finally arrives. A reign of peace and love between brothers and sisters. The whole world must know this site.
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