Wishes of Győző Kindelmann
International Coordinator
Dear Spiritual Directors, International Leaders,
National Coordinators and National Leaders,
When I was elected as International Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement in Colombia in December 2014, I prayed to Jesus and Our Lady to show us the way to make the Flame of Love renew hearts, lives and the whole world.
Then, right there, I opened the Flame of Love Spiritual Diary and my eyes fell on the entry of January 1, 1981: "Step outside your boundaries! Step outside your boundaries!" - I read the words of the Lord.
These words have had an extraordinary impact on me, and I feel that now, as I write the introductory lines to issue 1 of the international newsletter of the Flame of Love Movement, the Lord's call is even more relevant.
Why? For many decades, we have seen in some cultures that we put up walls and barriers around ourselves to create our own little world, which is ours alone, and no one else has a say in shaping it. My brothers and sisters, this is a real danger, so I ask you, in the year ahead, to listen to Jesus' plea, to look beyond your own little world and tear down the walls that separate you from your family members because they want something different from you or have a different opinion from yours! Look beyond the small world of yourself and tear down the walls that separate you from your neighbour who behaves in annoying ways, has bad habits, and makes you feel justified in keeping 100 paces away. Look beyond the small world of yourself and break down the walls that separate you from some members of your community, neighbouring peoples or people further afield on the continent because you feel you cannot interact with them because of cultural or mindset differences.
But it is not only in our human relationships that we build walls and barriers, but also in our relationship with God! We set ourselves limits on how much time, how much prayer, how much fasting or sacrifice we will do for the Lord, and we delude ourselves into thinking that we can do that much - no more. In fact, we are satisfied with ourselves and believe that the Lord is satisfied with what we do for Him. But Jesus says in the Spiritual Diary, "You should step outside your boundaries!" Elsewhere, "You cannot go to excess in doing something for Me."- 10 April 1962. And elsewhere: "Every minute passes, but the time spent for Me, which is of infinite value, is never lost, but merges with eternity. Yes, it is the time spent on God that will be easy to account for" (9 October 1964)
My brothers and sisters, seeing the situation of the world today, I believe that we must be collaborators of the Blessed Virgin in the salvation of humanity. We are called to open the spiritual and intellectual borders, to break down the walls and barriers that prevent the Flame of Love from spreading. There are already very good initiatives to give expression to international cooperation such as the National Rosaries, and such as the 2000 Hail Marys, the common prayer of the Hail Mary, launched by our fellow devotees from the Philippines. I believe that this new International Newsletter is capable of lifting all barriers, opening all gates, so that the Flame of Love can be unhindered between nations and countries. I believe that by getting to know each other's work, each other's concerns, each other's joys and achievements, it will help us to step out of our narrow world and to fulfill Jesus' request: "You should step outside your boundaries!"
With these thoughts, I wish that the Child of Bethlehem may be born in the hearts of all of us, that he may bless our lives and every day in the year 2023, and that the promise of Our Lady may be fulfilled in our lives: "We have put out the fire with fire: the fire of hatred with the fire of love."
Győző Kindelmann
International Coordinator
Budapest, 12 December 2022
On the picture, you can see Győző with Ildikó Szöllősi
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