Father Maximilian Kolbe
Had a printing press dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate!
Maximilian Kolbe,
born on January 8, 1894 and died by execution in a concentration camp of Auschwitz on August 14, 1941. He asked the German commander to take the place of a family man who later told his story a once released from the concentration camp at the end of the war. This man was present with his entire family at the canonization of Maximilian Kolbe in 1982 by Pope John Paul II. He was named "Patron of Journalists"
The Flame of Love Movement
could own its own printing press
From the beginning, in the year 2000, our main desire was to dedicate the Flame of Love Movement of Canada to spread this Flame of Love throughout the world. And we want to continue to do so. However, for those who have already received documents from Longueuil in Quebec, you will find that some of them come from the printer. For example, the Spiritual Diary excerpts in 32-page booklets: English and Spanish; those of 96 pages in French, English and Spanish; Movement Pamphlets in French and English; those of the Rosary in French, English and Spanish; all the images of Mary, of Jesus and the leaflet as well as the Novena booklet in English and the Unity Prayer booklet in French and English; all come from a printer. The rest is printed at the office, where we work. We only have 2 color printers at the moment (the 2nd, very recently).
Costs are increasing, whether for the purchase of paper for documents, cardboard and packaging tape for parcel deliveries, ink for printers (always to be renewed) not to mention computers and all that this includes as technical assistance, and the new News and Events website, etc.
Here we are, we are three people who work on a daily basis, and let's say it, with the spiritual salary of God, that is to say, the graces that He spreads over us in order to be able to work to spread the Flame of Love. of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No other salary than that.
After revealing our situation to you, we are at the point of considering having our own printing press. We believe in this way to overcome many difficulties encountered since the beginning more than 22 years ago.
To all those who are currently helping us, we thank you wholeheartedly and Heaven will reward you one day if not now for your generosity.
We would like to have our booklets printed at the printer because the costs decrease with the quantities. And that's why we can offer you the documents at the lowest price; even that it happens that we offer you free of charge in your parcels.
Spread the Flame of Love everywhere on earth! This is our ultimate goal. Our “YES” to Jesus through Mary! Our “YES” like Mary to remain servants of the Lord.
So therefore we are all going to ask the help of Saint Maximilian Kolbe to start this printing press. Remember that he himself founded his own printing company. He expected everything from the Immaculate Virgin Mary and that is what we have also been doing since the beginning of the work in Canada.
"We must place ourselves, like docile instruments, in his hands, using all lawful means, introducing ourselves everywhere by word of mouth, by the distribution of the Marian press and the miraculous medal, valuing our action by prayer and the good example. "Father Maximilian Kolbe" (Wikipedia)
Help will come, we believe in it! The help of the Virgin Mary has never failed us.
Providence has always smiled on us even though we all work as volunteers.
Here are different ways to do it:
By post, making out your check in the name of "Flame of Love Movement"
to the following address:
We accept all foreign currency.
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
CP Jacques-Cartier BP 21111
Quebec, Canada, J4J 5J4
We need $25,000.00 to print several booklets and Holy Cards.
Home - Donation
Thanks a lot for your help! It's very appreciated!
May God bless you for all that you will do for His Work of The Flame of Love!
Marcel Dufour
Flame of Love Movement
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