Letter from Győző Kindelmann / May 10, 2022
For National and Diocesan Coordinators
Reverend Father, dear Coordinators, Brothers and Sisters, who have received the Flame of Love in their hearts.
I hope you are all very well. As you may well remember, I sent you a letter in February of this year 2022, saying that in October of this year Brazil is preparing to celebrate the next congress, they will be the hosts of our International Assembly.
The most important prayer of our Movement is the Unity prayer. In this we ask that our actions, thoughts, words and feelings of the heart may be one with those of Jesus. I believe that the first step in unity with the Lord is for us, the leaders of the Flame of Love Movement, to be in perfect unity with each other. A manifestation of this unity is the International Assembly, where we think together, pray together, share our joys and concerns. It is when we strengthen and encourage each other, we indicate the right direction how we can more effectively bring to all men on earth the Virgin's Mary’s Flame of Love.
I know we are living in difficult times. The economic and political situation, the pandemic makes it more difficult for us to see each other, to meet so that we can discuss our tasks. However, once again, I call you, I invite you to meet if you can, at the invitation of our Brazilian brothers, who so kindly invite us and prepare in their beautiful country, so that united, determined and renewed we can continue the beautiful work with the Flame of Love, so that it flows as soon as possible in all the countries of the earth, even in the most distant places.
Therefore, I am going to forward again an extract of my February letter, and I look forward to seeing you and meeting you in person, in the month of October, at the generous invitation of our Brazilian brothers.
Dear brothers and sisters, in this jubilee year for us it is a great pleasure that the Brazilian coordination has offered us to hold the next International Assembly in your country. Finally, after two years since the pandemic made it impossible for us to celebrate. Mauricio Morais, National Coordinator of Brazil, proposed the date of the meeting: from October 18 to 26, 2022. I think the date is appropriate in all aspects.
Let us pray in our communities so that this assembly brings us renewal and opens new paths for us in spreading the Flame of Love. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Mauricio Morais, as Coordinator of the host country, to draft and send an invitation to the countries of our Movement with all the important information about the International Assembly. At the same time, I ask the countries where, according to the Statutes, the mandate of the National Coordinator has expired - there are some countries in this situation - to please carry out their elections and then send me the name of who they propose to be the new coordinator, so that I can send you the appointment.
At the end of my letter, I sincerely hope that we can all fulfill Our Lady's request for a mission, to which she invited us 60 years ago: "Carry this Flame that I am giving to you!"
Your brother greets you attentively in the transmission of the Flame of Love,
Győző Kindelmann
International Coordinator
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