Prayer Cenacle in Canada
With Heidi Krol
Prayer Cenacle
in Canada
Every Monday night at 8pm, you are invite to join online Heidi Krol with her group. They will pray the Flame of Love Rosary and a talk about a short message from the Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann from Hungary.
You can click here for registration:
Contact us
The Flame of Love Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee,
blessed are Thou among women, and
blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
Spread the Effect of Grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
The Unity Prayer
My Adorable Jesus
May our feet journey
May our hands gather in
May our hearts beat in
May our souls be in
May our thoughts be as
May our ears listen to the
silence together,
May our glances profoundly
penetrate each other,
May our lips pray together
to gain mercy
from the Eternal Father.
(Spiritual Diary - May 4, 1962)
Thank you and God bless you!
The redactor.
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